Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Weekend

Wow! What a weekend we had! Saturday we went to Elevation Church for their Egg Drop. It was freakin' awesome. I couldn't believe all the people that came out for it and it was freezing! The hot air balloon wasn't able to drop the eggs due to the weather, but it was still great. I was gathering info. for the possibility of doing it here next year. It would SO stretch my faith and trust in God as it would be HUGE. I've been convicted lately to dream big. God is a BIG God and we insult him with our little "I-can-really-handle-it-comfortable" dreams. Why not stretch your faith in him especially in the department of reaching lost people.

We start a message series this week called "Lost." The purpose being to lay out to the church our purpose about reaching lost people. My prayer is that people are stretched to realize church is NOT for THEM. It's NOT ABOUT THEM. It is about the people NOT in the church. The ones who Jesus would be spending time with. The church exists to reach lost people. The people that matter to God. I want people to quit being "me church naval gazers." Be grieved about your daughter who doesn't go to church and who doesn't have a relationship with Jesus. Be grieved for the co-worker you know is going through a major medical procedure but you don't know if they are a Christian. Be grieved for the neighbor you see home on Sunday morning. I am praying hard for this message to penetrate the culture of our church. If it doesn't I don't know what kind of hope there is for being the church God called the church to be.

Did I babble enough or did I make sense???

On a side note: disappointing attendance for the kids today. I was down by 50% - but the program was awesome. They responded well to the environment changes and our workers were AWESOME this morning. I was disappointed, but I know God is teaching me something through it. We'll see what it is! On a great note - we had a family get baptized this morning - mom, dad, and 2 kids. Praise God!

1 comment:

Preston Porter said...

hey michelle

very honored to write your first comment

Do you go to Elevation?

Also head back to my blog for my contact or email me