Thursday, March 22, 2007

A random thought...what about incentives?

So we get incentives for referrals to the dentist, car dealerships, etc. I recently found out that we received a credit on our dentist bill because my parents went and said they were referred by us. Awesome! I LOVE free money!!

This had me thinking tonight. When someone "refers" someone to our church, or invites them and they show - do we do anything about it? Would people be more motivated if they were encouraged by doing it?

You're thinking, "people should invite others to church so they can find out about Jesus." Yes - that's true, and we should want people to find out about a relationship with Jesus -- truly -- but a little motivation or encouragement goes a long way.

If you notice that someone showed up because of an invite from someone else, send a thank you note, or an "I noticed" note. A kind word about what a difference it could make could work too. Hey - wouldn't it be great if we could work referral Stabucks gift cards in our budgets???

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Trying my hand at this....

Well lately I have hopped on the blog wagon so to say, by reading blogs. Now I am moving on to posting one of my own. Can't see much anyone reading it....but hey - You never know.

To start - kiddos sick - both have double ear infections and the crud.
No sleep tonight - hence my title.

Maybe I'll actually share something intellectual tomorrow.